Here’s the latest DOJ press release on the latest guilty plea in the agency’s investigation into public corruption in Alaska.
Beverly L. Masek, a former elected member of the Alaska House of Representatives, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to commit bribery, Acting Assistant Attorney General Rita M. Glavin of the Criminal Division announced.
The release explains the agency’s convictions to date, including this one:
U.S. Sen. Theodore F. Stevens was convicted at trial on Oct. 27, 2008, of making false statements regarding his required U.S. Senate financial disclosures for 2001 through 2006.
No mention of the serious questions surrounding the trial. This report describes why DOJ prosecutors were held in contempt of court.
The lawyers charged with contempt included William Welch, the chief of the public integrity section that investigates official corruption and handled the Stevens case, and Brenda Morris, the section’s deputy. The contempt holding also covered Kevin Driscoll, a trial lawyer who had just joined the prosecution team.