Roll Call has this interesting article describing new legislation to allow a candidate to make provisions for who will control the campaign account in the event of that candidate’s death.
Under the bill, sponsored by Rep. Walter Jones Jr. (R-N.C.), lawmakers and Congressional candidates could appoint an individual to disburse any money remaining in their campaign accounts at the time of their death. The bill would also allow the candidate to provide specific spending instructions. Those directives would be filed with the Federal Election Commission.
Thomas has information on H.R. 749 here.
The Federal Election Commission’s personal use regulation now provides that personal use includes, among other expenses, “[f]uneral, cremation or burial expenses except those incurred for a candidate (as defined in 11 CFR 100.3) or an employee or volunteer of an authorized committee whose death arises out of, or in the course of, campaign activity.” 11 CFR 113.1(g)(1)(i)(B).