A few Solyn-drips and other political law links for today

SOLYN-DRIP I.  The Post.  “The Obama White House tried to rush federal reviewers for a decision on a nearly half-billion-dollar loan to the solar-panel manufacturer Solyndra so Vice President Biden could announce the approval at a September 2009 groundbreaking for the company’s factory, newly obtained e-mails show.”  ABC News has a report here.

SOLYN-DRIP II.  The Post (video).  “Solyndra LLC Chief Executive Officer Brian Harrison and Chief Financial Officer Bill Stover have postponed their previously scheduled congressional testimony until sometime next week.”

PERRY AND MERCK.  Story here.  “Perry bristled Monday night at accusations from his chief rival for tea party voters, Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.), that he had pushed the vaccine in 2007 at the bidding of Merck, which employed a former aide to the governor as a lobbyist.”

MIKE TOOMEY AND RICK PERRY.  Story here.  “Although never mentioned by name, Austin lobbyist Mike Toomey’s presence was felt keenly at Monday’s Republican presidential debate when Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann harshly criticized Gov. Rick Perry for his 2007 executive order mandating that Texas teenage girls receive an HPV vaccine that would have been worth millions in sales to Toomey’s client, Merck Pharmaceutical.”

TIMES ON DURKEE.  Here.  “For almost 15 years, Kinde Durkee has been one of the go-to accountants for Democratic candidates in California. She and her firm kept track of expenditures and contributions and made sure that candidates and party committees’ campaigns complied with California’s tangled election finance laws.”

CAPITOL HILL CUTS.  Politico.  “The anxiety is so high over expected pay cuts, salary freezes and layoffs that some senior staffers are considering careers on K Street — a brain drain some observers already predict.”

NY 9 RESULTS.  The Times.  “With 84 percent of the precincts counted early Wednesday, Mr. Turner was leading Mr. Weprin by 54 percent to 46 percent, according to The Associated Press.”

3RD PARTY PROBLEMS.  Ornstein and Mann.  “When it comes to dismay over contemporary political dysfunction, we yield to no one. But the call for a third way, in this case, is misguided.”

DC FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES ORDERED.  Story here.  “D.C. Council Chairman Kwame R. Brown has ordered the legislature’s members and employees to file internal financial disclosures for the first time, raising sharp objections from his colleagues.”


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