LOBBYIST DEFINITION IN THE NEWS. The Post. “[Annette] Nazareth isn’t a registered lobbyist — a designation that is triggered under federal rules when a person spends 20 percent or more of his or her time engaged in ‘lobbying activities’ for a client over a three-month period.”
MORE ON SEC RISK ALERT. Covington’s take on a recent alert on pay to play rules is online here.
CAMPAIGN FILES ETHICS COMPLAINT. Politico. “GOP Senate candidate Linda McMahon has filed a complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics against her opponent, Democratic Rep. Chris Murphy, alleging that Murphy violated House rules related to a home equity loan obtained from a bank he once represented as a private lawyer.”
ELECTION LITIGATION PROSPECTS. The Times. “The November presidential election, widely expected to rest on a final blitz of advertising and furious campaigning, may also hinge nearly as much on last-minute legal battles over when and how ballots should be cast and counted, particularly if the race remains tight in battleground states.”
BILL ON FLOOR SCHEDULE. A bill ” to permit candidates for election for Federal office to designate an individual who will be authorized to disburse funds of the authorized campaign committees of the candidate in the event of the death of the candidate” appears on today’s legislative calendar.
EMANUEL’S NEW ROLE. The Trib. “While the focus in the news last week was on Emanuel stepping down from his honorary role as co-chairman of the Obama campaign to avoid any conflict with his new fund-raising duties, I’m wondering why nobody sees a conflict with his very real role as Mayor of Chicago.”
CONVENTION TECH GLITCHES. Story here. “This was the year technology was expected to transform an American relic: the national convention. Yet many of the newfangled elements trotted out to open digital doors to folks far from Charlotte or Tampa encountered technical problems, drew tiny audiences or simply proved ineffectual.”
MN: BOARD GRANTS EXEMPTION. Religion Clause Blog. “The contributor argued that ‘because his job requires him to represent the Catholic organization’s policies to others from time to time, if his opposition to the marriage amendment was known, it would cause immense strain in his working relationships.'” Many thanks to Steven Sholk for the link.
MN: TIMES EDITORIAL ON RECENT CASE. Here. “Importantly, the new ruling casts no doubt on the constitutionality of the urgently needed federal disclosure bill Senate Republicans succeeded in blocking in July.”
NH: PAC TAKES ADVANTAGE. Story here. “The first PAC to take advantage of the new interpretation of the state’s political contributions law is the New Hampshire Republicans for Freedom and Equality PAC.”