Tues. political law links

GROUPS APPEAL.  P&I.  “After being rebuffed Oct. 1 in U.S. District Court on procedural grounds, Republican state committees in New York and Tennessee asked a federal appeals court in Washington Oct. 6 to expedite the case and to overturn the Securities and Exchange Commission’s pay-to-play rule, arguing it is both unconstitutional and that it gives an unfair advantage to federal candidates, who do not have the same constraints.”

M-16. WP. “Because of the vacuum of power within his party and the lack of a clear 2016 front-runner, confidants said Romney is grappling with this question: If drafted, would he answer the party’s call?”

WARNER DENIES.  WP.  “Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) said Monday that while he ‘brainstormed’ with a son of former state senator Phillip P. Puckett about ‘possibilities that his sister might want to pursue,’ he did not and would not offer a job to the daughter of a state lawmaker.”

HUNT ON POLITICAL FUNDS.  NYT.  “Dark spending provides the influence and access that comes with big money without the accountability or the attention from critics.”

IS “DARK MONEY” SCARY?  Althouse.  “Does the term ‘dark money’ sound scary because it — intentionally? — resonates with racism?”

MONEY IN 14.  NYT.  “The proportion of advertising flowing through nondisclosing groups is slightly lower than in 2012, a presidential election year with far more spending over all.”

12 DONORS.  NYT.  “Twelve years later, a series of workarounds and court rulings have allowed more cash than ever to flood the political system.”

INDEPENDENT MONEY IMPASSE.  ADN.  “Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Begich is challenging his Republican opponent, Dan Sullivan, to sign a new pledge that would likely reduce the amount of outside spending in their race by penalizing the candidates if they get support from groups whose donors don’t meet certain transparency standards.”

TEXAN GIVES.  Courier-Journal.  “Kentuckians for Strong Leadership, the potent super PAC that has bought millions of dollars in ads supporting the re-election of Republican U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell, raised $3 million during the quarter ending Sept. 30. And almost none of that money was contributed by Kentuckians.”

ID: CAMPAIGN SPENDING.  CDApress.com.  “In three statewide races, Democratic candidates enjoy a significant fundraising advantages heading into the final weeks of the campaign.

PA:  FEE RAISE. Newsworks.org.  “A state panel will consider hiking the lobbyist registration fee from $200 to $300.”


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