Loopholes, the law, and the wild west in today’s political law links

RULES FOR INVESTMENT ADVISERS.  Bloomberg.  “Arguments last month before the D.C. Court of Appeals addressed the constitutionality of a rule adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in 2010, which regulates campaign contributions by investment advisers.”

SNAPCHAT, CAMPAIGN LAW, AND 16.  Fusion.net.  “What is new, however, is the potential conundrum that an app like Snapchat uniquely presents. One of the key features that has made it popular with young people is the fact that its messages disappear within seconds — unless the user receiving the Snapchat takes a screenshot.”  I’m on Snapchat as ericsbrown, but I haven’t used it, yet.

OVERBY ON THE LAW.  NPR.  “Nowadays, the art of campaign-finance lawyering lies in determining what a definition fails to say — and then driving a cash-filled truck through the loophole.”

REFORMERS BUMMED.  SacBee.  “There is little to celebrate here, unless you enjoy the status quo of judicial elections and campaign-finance laws.”

WILD WEST.  USNews.  “Money has always been a force in campaigns, of course, but a series of court decisions in recent years has changed the landscape dramatically, even from the last two presidential campaigns, experts note.”

FIVE TESTS.  CBS.  “Here’s a look at some of the ways this election’s crop of White House hopefuls are pushing the boundaries of campaign finance laws.”

SKIRTING LAWS?  NPR.  “Are Jeb Bush, Other Undeclared Candidates Skirting Campaign Finance Laws?”

SUPER PACS, VIEW FROM ABROAD.  The Guardian.   “For now, though, the landscape is dominated by Super Pacs.”

CORRECT THE RECORD.  Newsweek.  “Major court decisions, like the famed Citizens United case that opened the door to unlimited contributions, focused on paid advertising and other kinds of media, such as an anti-Clinton documentary. The courts didn’t address the ability to coordinate rapid response online.”

CA:  DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS.  SacBee.  “But when it comes to California campaign-finance laws, the nearly two-dozen outside groups that have injected more than $9.3 million into the East Bay’s 7th Senate District special election are covered by much different rules.”

MD:  CHANGED RULE.  Venable.  “Now, in addition to reporting direct contributions to candidates, contractors will also have to disclose contributions made to independent expenditure groups and political parties that are ‘for the benefit’ of covered candidates.”

NY:  DISCLOSURE ORDER.  Newsday.  “Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano Friday issued orders that for the first time require the disclosure of lobbying activity on every county contract and create a registry of all local lobbyists.”

VT:  BILL ON WAY TO PASSAGE.  VTDigger.  “A lobbyist disclosure bill that if signed into law would be one of the strictest in the country got a boost after clearing a committee of conference between the two chambers.”


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