FREE SPEECH RULING. Hill. “The nation’s second most powerful court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, ruled that a political committee that supported Mike Huckabee’s unsuccessful run for the White House was entitled to the preliminary injunction it requested to block the Federal Election Commission from enforcing its ban.”
OPINION. Pursuing America’s Greatness v. FEC is online here.
TRUMP SLUSH. DB. “The Trump Foundation, Donald Trump’s nonprofit organization, is under fire for allegedly operating as more of a political slush fund than a charity. The foundation is accused of violating rules prohibiting it from engaging in politics—prompting ethics watchdogs to call for public investigations.”
FL: CFR PETITION. MH. “If enough signatures are verified, county commissioners will have to decide in the coming weeks whether to adopt proposed campaign finance legislation themselves or put the issue before voters.”
SC: NEW RULES. PC. “A House ethics panel gave preliminary approval Tuesday to new rules for appropriate ways to spend campaign money — forbidding its use for living expenses or gifts to lawmakers but allowing certain memberships and clothing purchases.”
ISR: ETHICS AND PR. Haaretz. “The Ethics Committee reminded everyone that MKs are not permitted to provide sponsorship, to help or promote commercial entities, including media outlets.”