PoliticalActivityLaw.com is a site with daily links to political law items of interest, and here are today’s links

CHARITIES, 16, AND POLITICS.  Venable Political Law Briefing.  “Charities can advance their position on the issues that they had been advocating before the platforms were adopted; however, they should consider carefully whether to opine specifically on the positions of candidates and the political parties.”

RECURRING DONATION DEAL.  A.  “The email’s author — whose name is not included in the screenshot — alleges that Trump’s campaign doesn’t allow recurring campaign contributions to be canceled.”

CROSSROADS ON TRUMP.  NPR.  “The Karl Rove-founded group that advocates for certain candidates has turned its attention to Senate races and away from the presidential race. Its CEO, Steven Law, talks about why.”

SUPER PAC WALL FALL.  SF.  “This week, a three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that super PACs can use the names of their candidates they support in their projects and programs.”

HOUSE SALE ETHICS.  ST.  “An online news publication’s story Wednesday about former Washington Gov. Gary Locke raises ethical questions about the private sale of Locke’s Washington, D.C.-area home to family members controlling a Chinese-owned company while Locke served as U.S. ambassador to China.”

CA:  HARRIS SUPER PAC $UPPORT.  B.  “A labor-fueled Super PAC has quietly amassed nearly $1 million this year to support Kamala Harris in her U.S. Senate bid against fellow Democrat Loretta Sanchez.”

CA:  MOVE TO LIMIT.  DB.  “Redondo Beach leaders want to set limits on campaign contributions for the first time in the city’s history, but they are divided on just how hard to come down on reforms.”

IA:  JUDGE ENDORSED.  SCJ.  “A political action committee focused on campaign finance reform has endorsed Patty Judge in Iowa’s U.S. Senate race.”

LA:  LARGEST ETHICS FINE.  A.  “Four years after being charged with violating Louisiana ethics laws, Lafayette businessman Greg Gachassin and his Cartesian Company have been found guilty and assessed the largest fine in state history, $1.56 million.”

NJ:  VIOLATION ALLEGATIONS.  NJ.  “Former Bergen County Executive Kathleen Donovan and two of her aides broke campaign finance laws during her failed 2014 reelection bid, an official state watchdog group that monitors New Jersey elections is alleging.”

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