Monday’s Political Law Links

HYPOCRISY ON GORSUCH.   FB.  “The head of a liberal dark money group criticized Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch because of his stance on political disclosures and Citizens United.

OCE ON REP.   Politico.  “Rep. Duncan Hunter is under criminal investigation by the Justice Department over alleged campaign finance violations, the House Ethics Committee announced Thursday.”

CA:  MAILER WARNING.  MN.  “The commission found that envelopes for a mass mailing Fine sent to residents during the November election cycle did not properly identify the entity paying for the mailing on the envelope.”

CA:  FOREIGN NATIONAL GIVING.  SDUT.  “While the San Diego trial of wealthy Mexican businessman José Susumo Azano Matsura and three others ended more than six months ago with guilty verdicts, no one has been sentenced yet as the case continues to be tied up in post-trial motions.”

MD:  ETHICS OVERHAUL.  BS.  “The Maryland House of Delegates unanimously passed a bill Friday that would update the state’s ethics laws. It would require more disclosure of lawmakers’ conflicts of interest and put some new limits on legislators’ advocacy for private businesses.”

MO:  THANKS FOR REFORM.   JCL.  “Senate and House leaders had different approaches to campaign finance reform, and the compromise they forged is a strong one.”

NY:  NOT GUILTY PLEA.  NYP.  “An upstate state senator and his predecessor were arraigned Thursday on charges that they funneled campaign cash to one senator’s wife and to a former staffer and hid the payments by filing false paperwork at the Board of Elections.”

TX:  ALCOHOL REGULATORS.  TT.  “No agency can kill a buzz quicker than the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, but behind the scenes state liquor regulators have shown they know how to party — all on the tab of taxpayers and members of an industry they oversee.”

WI:  REVOLVING DOOR TARGET.  DP.  “Former Wisconsin lawmakers would be prohibited from becoming lobbyists for at least a year after they leave office under a bill introduced by a bipartisan group of 40 state lawmakers.”


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