An alleged “midnight rulemaking” and “former NFL lobbyist” headline this controversy surrounding internet gambling regulations.
The U.S. Treasury is seeking final approval for an Internet gambling regulation that banks say is unworkable, prompting a Democratic lawmaker to question the possible role of a former National Football League lobbyist who now works at the White House.
This site covers the Safe and Secure Gambling Initiative.
The Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative promotes the principles of safe and secure Internet gambling through practices designed to protect consumers and ensure integrity of financial transactions.
Additionally, the Initiative is a resource for information about the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007. The Initiative provides opportunities for individuals, organizations and companies to support the legislation and engage their elected officials.
Millions of Americans enjoy gambling online and should be able to do so without government interference. In fact, traditional forms of legalized gambling already exist in nearly every state. Rather than tell Americans what they can and cannot do online, which is ineffective, the government should regulate Internet gambling to ensure that proper protections are in place to protect consumers and ensure the integrity of Internet gambling financial transactions.