Wiley Rein’s Election Law Newsletter this month features a description of The DISCLOSE Act. It begins:
Despite its name, the DISCLOSE Act (The Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act or Schumer-Van Hollen) is as much about campaign finance bans and prohibitions as about disclosure. Corporations and trade associations must pay close attention to these complex bills (there are two bills-one in the House and one in the Senate, and there are some differences between them) lest the bills pass as written and severely burden, and in some cases eliminate, the ability of corporations and trade associations and their American employees and members to participate in elections and legislative advocacy in the United States.
The newsletter also has interesting articles on FCPA and corporate PAC restricted class issues.
An article on the little-noticed tax implications of Citizens United concludes, “In sum, freedom isn’t free, even when it is permitted by the Supreme Court.”