Here are Monday’s political law links

COLBERT PAC COVERAGE.  The Times.  “Mr. Colbert, who lampoons conservative talk show hosts by pretending to be one, is now making fun of Super PACs by actually forming one.”

CAMPAIGN INVESTMENTS.  Roll Call.  “It is unknown how many campaigns are currently playing the stock market with their contributors’ money, though some 1,500 committees have cash on hand and there are no rules preventing them from investing it for profit.”

EDWARDS COUNSEL CHANGE.  Story here.  “On a slow summer Friday afternoon comes word that former presidential candidate and U.S. Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) has switched up his legal team, dropping former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig and bringing in prominent D.C. white-collar defense attorney Abbe Lowell.”


K ST. AND THE SUPER COMMITTEE.  Politico.  “Such a scenario may force lobbyists to use indirect techniques to impress clients’ messages upon supercommittee members and their yet-to-be-solidified staffers.”

WALL STREET EDGE TO ROMNEY.  The Hill.  “According to a review of fundraising data, 67 people who work in the financial sector and live in the New York City metro area gave to Obama in 2008 and the former Massachusetts governor in 2011.”

GIFFORD REQUEST.  Here’s a report on Rep. Gifford’s advisory opinion request.  “Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is seeking permission to use about $2,200 in campaign funds to increase security at the Houston house where she is living while undergoing rehabilitation therapy.”


ISSA STORY MISTAKES.  Politico.  “The Times is standing by Lichtblau and the story. The paper is not going to issue the front-page retraction that Issa’s camp demanded Friday morning, though the paper did issue a correction on the story on Tuesday on a separate matter.”

PERRY CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE NEWS.  The Times.  “Over three terms in office, Mr. Perry’s administration has doled out grants, tax breaks, contracts and appointments to hundreds of his most generous supporters and their businesses.”


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