A LOOK AT $35.8K/PLATE FUNDRAISERS. The Times. “There are the $35,800-a-ticket fund-raisers, and then there are the $35,800-a-ticket fund-raisers. The distance between a Presidio Heights villa overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco at sunset and a packed hall at a Masonic Temple with bad air-conditioning is a long one.”
OPPOSITION TO OGE RULES GROWS. The Hill. “A number of business groups who host trade shows are speaking out against a new regulation that would ban lobbyists’ gifts for all federal workers.”
COMMENTARY IN OPPOSITION TO OGE RULES. The Post. “The office proposes to eliminate — with respect to gifts to career civil servants from federal lobbyists and organizations that employ federal lobbyists — several long-standing, common-sense exceptions to federal gift rules that allow government employees to interact with business and other organizations.”
SUPERCOMMITTEE LOBBYING. Roll Call. “K Streeters with deep ties to supercommittee members and congressional leadership say senior staffers have given them readouts from closed-door committee meetings.”
OBAMA’S Q3 HAUL. Politico. “Campaign manager Jim Messina told a meeting of Democratic donors in Chicago earlier this month that Obama was aiming for the $55 million benchmark.”
A FUNDRAISING MILESTONE. The Times. “The presidential candidates sprinted toward the third-quarter fund-raising deadline on Friday night with a flurry of events and last-minute appeals for contributions, the fruits of which will help clarify the shape of the Republican field and shed light on whether President Obama’s political difficulties have hurt his powerful fund-raising operation.”
ANONYMOUS SHELL CORP. FORMED.. The Hill. “Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert created his own shell corporation Thursday to illustrate how former Bush adviser Karl Rove is able to hide donors to his American Crossroads Super-PAC.”
GOOGLE’S SCHMIDT ON SENATE TESTIOMNY. The Post. “So we get hauled in front of the Congress for developing a product that’s free, that serves a billion people. Okay? I mean, I don’t know how to say it any clearer. I mean, it’s fine. It’s their job. But it’s not like we raised prices. We could lower prices from free to…lower than free? You see what I’m saying?”
LEEWAY FOR DURKEE COMMITTEES.. Story here. “The head of the state’s ethics agency Friday proposed new measures to prevent fraud in the handling of political funds in response to a federal investigation of Kinde Durkee, who is suspected of embezzling from campaign accounts she controlled.”
WISCONSIN ALLEGATIONS. Politico. “In the midst of an investigation that may be targeting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s office, Walker’s chief of staff resigned Friday.”
CHRISTIE’S TRIPS. Story here. “New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s bid to raise money nationwide for Republicans as he considers a presidential run is forcing him to divulge details on out-of- state trips that he had previously kept secret.”
RGA BUYS TIME. Story here.