GAMBLING IN MD. The Post. “According to information provided by the government watchdog organization Common Cause, O’Malley received $135,000 between 2006 and 2011 in contributions from casinos, bidders for Maryland casino licenses and horse-racing interests. The amount for Miller during that period was $53,000.”
LIMITS ON CASINO CONTRIBUTIONS. Story here. “When the legislature went to work on Gov. Martin O’Malley’s gambling bill, one of the first provisions to be rolled back was a sweeping ban on political contributions from casino interests.”
WIN FOR WIRELESS. Story here. “The Federal Election Commission clarified rules for soliciting and receiving campaign contributions via text message, confirming that wireless service providers have no responsibility for determining the eligibility of contributors or enforcing contribution limits.”
COORDINATION ALLEGATION. Story here. “Sen. Jon Tester’s (D-Mont.) reelection campaign charged that his opponent’s attendance at a fundraiser with Karl Rove raises questions over illegal coordination with the Rove-linked super PAC that’s spending millions to take down Tester.”
IS IT A CONTRIBUTION? More here. “When President Barack Obama’s campaign leaves Rochester on Saturday it will do so without a bill to cover the city’s added cost of security. It is a decision, signed off on by Mayor T.J. Jean, that could wrongfully cost taxpayers thousands of dollars.”
APOC EXPLAINS DATA SITE. Story here. “I saw the director of the Alaska Public Office Commission Paul Dauphinais do a demo of online campaign finance data today at the Rotary Club of Fairbanks monthly luncheon at the Westmark Hotel.”
VT: IN THE CLEAR. Story here. “Following an investigation, the Elections & Campaign Finance Division of the Vermont Secretary of State’s office rendered a decision earlier this month that Emmett Dunbar, an independent candidate for state representative in the Bennington-Windham-Windsor-1 district, did not violate campaign finance law.”
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