Tuesday’s political law links (9/25)

GOOGLE VOTING API. News here. “The Google Civic Information API allows developers to build applications that display civic information including polling place, early vote location, candidate data, and election official information to users.”

SUPER PAC SYNC. The Times. “Though campaigns and outside groups are prohibited from collaborating, they are free to amplify and emulate each other.”

CAMPAIGN MERCHANDISE. USAT. “The campaigns are reluctant to discuss their merchandising secrets on the record. But Obama for America revealed part of its strategy in a June court filing in its lawsuit against Demstore.com, which had been selling bumper stickers and pins with the campaign’s trademarked ‘Rising Sun’ logo.”

CA: PROP. 32 IN THE NEWS. Story here. “In summary, while Proposition 32 limits how corporations and unions could spend money on campaigns, it limits only one side’s ability to raise money — unions.”

NC: RELATIONSHIP GUIDANCE. Story here. “The Joint Legislative Ethics Committee just issued Principle and Guidance stemming from an episode in House Speaker Thom Tillis’ office this summer.”

VT: COORDINATION ALLEGED. Story here. “The chairman of the Vermont Republican Party wants Gov. Peter Shumlin to appoint an independent counsel to probe whether Democratic Attorney General William Sorrell violated the state’s campaign finance law on the way to winning a close primary election last month.”

WA: OFFICEHOLDER-NONPROFIT LINKS. Story here. “For years, Lt. Gov. Brad Owen made the nonprofit Strategies for Youth an extension of his official government duties, even as it paid his wife a salary.”

MEMBERS NOT ON TWITTER.  The Hill.  “Fifty-six members of Congress have not joined Twitter, the social media platform that has become a force in politics.”


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