Political law links

TODAY AT THE FEC. The agenda for today’s Federal Election Commission meeting is online here.

SUPER PAC SUIT THREAT. Argus Leader. “The South Dakota Republican Party today threatened legal action against a political action committee for airing what the GOP calls ‘defamatory’ attacks against U.S. Senate candidate Mike Rounds.”

AD WILL AIR. Daily Caller. An NBC station will run a super PAC ad after an issue was raised.

ADS AREN’T IMMUNE. Courthousenews.com. “The Independence Institute, a nonprofit, libertarian organization, raised the challenge with respect to its endorsement of the Justice Safety Valve Act.”

APPEAL HEARD. Fox. “A former Nevada lobbyist asked an appeals court Monday to toss out his conviction for illegal campaign fundraising for Sen. Harry Reid.”

CA: GOING DIGITAL. Pasadena Star. “Campaign finance information could be more readily accessible in the upcoming municipal election after the Pasadena City Council Monday directed staff to prepare an ordinance for electronic filing of campaign disclosure documents.”

CT: COMPLAINT FILED. NBC. “In a short complaint filed with the State Elections Enforcement Commission, Ted Kennedy, Jr.’s State Senate opponent alleges that the Democrat has skirted campaign finance law.”

FL: UNIQUE RULES. WLRN. “In an analysis of television advertising through late September, the Rick Scott and Charlie Crist campaigns hadn’t spent much on TV advertising. Political parties and political action committees known as PACs have done most of the spending.”

IL: LEAN SPARKS LOBBYIST RULE. NWI Times. “Lobbyists will not be able to talk to Cook County commissioners in the board chamber under a measure the Cook County Board unanimously approved Wednesday.”

MD: DELEGATE FINED. Balt. Sun. “A Baltimore County candidate for the House of Delegates acknowledged this week he wrote checks from his campaign account, a violation of campaign finance law that resulted in a $2,500 fine.”

MT: SHERIFF CANDIDATE ACCUSED. Missoulian. “Montana’s commissioner of political practices ruled Wednesday that Missoula County sherriff candidate T.J. McDermott violated three campaign finance laws before the primary election.”

TN: AUDIT RESULTS. Leaf Chronicle. “An audit ordered by the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance found that Montgomery County Trustee Brenda Radford violated a campaign finance disclosure law by failing to itemize $10,255 in campaign contributions to her own campaign before the Aug. 7 election.”

VT: COMPLAINTS LINGER. Sevendaysvt.com. “It’s been more than a year ago since former South Burlington city councilor Paul Engels filed complaints with the state alleging violations of Vermont’s campaign-finance-disclosure law.”


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