SEARCH FOR REFORMERS. “This year’s version, S.J. Res. 5, introduced in January, has languished ever since in the Senate Judiciary Committee.” SUPER PAC MOVES. The Hill. “A tomato tycoon has promised the largest super-PAC donation in Libertarian Party history … Continue reading
Category Archives: Illinois
RIGHT TO RISE ANALYSIS. Breitbart. “His unique approach to building a presidential campaign is raising eyebrows, and several campaign finance law experts told Breitbart News that they believe Bush is violating the law.” SUPER PAC BURN RATE. DB. “Liberals have slammed … Continue reading
LONGTIME PROSECUTOR ASSUMES COMMAND. NLJ. “Longtime prosecutor Raymond Hulser was named Thursday the new chief of the Public Integrity Section at the U.S. Department of Justice.” D EDGE. OCR. “The Super PACs created in the wake of the Supreme Court’s … Continue reading