4-9-15 political law links

FUTURE CONFLICT.  CNN.  “One heavy-spending nonprofit group is anything but flattered that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a likely 2016 presidential candidate, has launched a political group with a nearly identical name.”

SUPER PAC HAUL.  Breitbart.  “Super PACs backing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for president of the United States are taking in a ‘record haul’ that is ‘eye-popping,’ Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin writes.”

SUPER PAC ALERT.  Miami Herald.  “Time for a political guessing game: Which Florida Republican may have created a new ‘super PAC’ to raise big bucks for the 2016 election?”

SUPER PAC SECOND ACT.  Sunlight.  “The new political committee, American Encore Action, registered with the Federal Election Commission on April 3. Its name is similar to that of American Encore, known formerly as the Center to Protect Patient Rights (CPPR), a dark money group that rebranded during the 2014 elections after it was caught up in an investigation by California’s state election ethics watchdog.”

LOSING THE RAND.  D. Levinthal.  Going forward I’ll try to highlight some political law tweets.

IA:  LAW SOUGHT.  Dailydem.com.  “According to the resolution, the Board is asking the Iowa Legislature to pass a law requiring ‘full and timely disclosure of all sources of major campaign contributions over $200 in Iowa elections.'”

PA:  CANDIDATE FINED.  Philly.com.  “State Sen. Anthony H. Williams accepted excess campaign contributions and wrongly used almost $63,000 from his senate campaign account for his Philadelphia mayoral run, the city Board of Ethics says.”

VT:  PUNITIVE ACTION DECRIED.  VNews.com.  “What candidate would want to seek public financing if, months after an election, he or she could end up on the hook personally for many thousands of dollars because of a minor, even inadvertent violation of the rules? Very few, we would think.”


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