4-16 political law links

LAND$CAPE.  NYT.  “For some political committees, the first quarter is a good time to look back at the last two years (or more) and make sure that the money is accounted for and properly reported.”

HRC CFR FIX.  WSJ.  “Her staff declined to elaborate on her call for overhauling campaign-fundraising practices.”

POLITICAL FILE COMPLAINTS.  Broadcasting & Cable.  “Campaign finance reform groups have told the FCC it should not require complaints about political ad broadcasts to be filed by local residents.”

SUPER PAC SPECIFIC.  Bloomberg.  “In all, there were more than 1,300 grassroots and small-dollar donor events where participants filled out detailed information sheets to be logged by the group.”

BANNED FOR LIFE.  The Hill.  “Rep. Rod Blum (R-Iowa) introduced legislation on Tuesday to prevent members of Congress from ever becoming lobbyists after they leave office.”

GA:  THE FINALISTS ARE…  Chron.com.  “Four finalists remain to lead the state agency charged with enforcing campaign-finance and ethics laws.”

GA:  MEALS MAKE NEWS.  WMAZ.  “Two Macon Democrats beat their Republican counterparts to the free food table during this year legislative session.”

MT:  BILL MOVES.  GF Tribune.  ” A measure requiring more disclosure surrounding campaign donations has passed the Legislature and is headed to the governor for his signature.”

MT:  HEARING SET.  HelenaIR.  “A confirmation hearing has been scheduled for Monday on the confirmation of Political Practices Commissioner Jonathan Motl.”

TX:  NO RUSH TO DISCLOSE. Myhighplains.com.  “Two bills aimed at requiring disclosure of such lobbyist entertainment are on the verge of being snuffed out in the Senate State Affairs Committee, according to the sponsor of the measures, despite Gov. Greg Abbott’s vow a few weeks ago to ‘dedicate this session to ethics reform.'”


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