VALUE OF POLITICAL LAW ADVICE. CE. “With the 116th Congress convening and the 2020 presidential race months away from beginning in earnest, it may seem that now would be the time to care least about the complex web of rules that regulate campaign activity across the country. In reality, it’s the time to care the most.“
ETHICS NOTED. HP. “Three former staffers said Klobuchar has tasked them or their co-workers with performing personal errands, such as making her personal appointments, washing dishes at her home or picking up her dry cleaning. Senate staff are generally prohibited by Senate ethics rules from performing personal duties for members.”
AOC ON MONEY. RC. “In a hearing about government ethics, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez turned the spotlight on her colleagues in the room.”
HR 1 VIEW. NR. “If this is the Democratic agenda, it represents the very creeping authoritarianism they purport to oppose. It should not pass the House. If it does, it must fail in the Senate.”
HR 1 HEARING. C-SPAN. “The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing on H.R. 1, a bill on voting rights, campaign finance and ethics rules.”
ETHICS BLAST. GEXEC. “Republican lawmakers on Wednesday condemned a Democratic bill that includes vast new oversight to ensure ethical behavior by federal employees, though their criticism focused primarily on other provisions of the sweeping reform package rather than those aimed at the civil service.”
PROBE CLOSED. MH. “U.S. Senate ethics committee has closed its inquiry into Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez over gifts he received from a friend that led to federal corruption charges.”
MD: ETHICS REDACTION. BS. “A proposal to bring Baltimore in line with state ethics laws would shield the home addresses of city employees in public financial disclosures — a move that would make it difficult for the public to know whether residency requirements for officials are being followed.”
TX: KIDS GIVE. DM. “Can a 16-year-old knowingly and willfully give $1,000 to a candidate from his or her own funds? Yeah, maybe. But what about a 3-year-old?”