4.1 political law links

FINANCE FEUD. HILL. “A Warren campaign aide told CNN on Sunday that Pratt is leaving as a result of Warren’s pledge not to take contributions from big-money donors.”

GAO LOBBYIST AUDITS. HILL. “GAO found that 33 percent of the LD-203 political contribution reports didn’t disclose relevant contributions. GAO estimates that figure is a statistically significant increase compared to prior years.”

OIL PLEDGE. TT. “As he launches his candidacy for president this weekend in oil-rich Texas, Beto O’Rourke is taking some flack from the left for all the money he got from drilling interests during his race for the U.S. Senate — and about reports of his more recent refusal to sign on to the “No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge.'”

OGE QUESTIONS. AP. “The U.S. Office of Government Ethics is refusing to certify one of the final financial disclosure reports of ex-Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt, citing the cut-rate $50-a-night deal Pruitt had for a luxury Washington condo.”

NY: FINAL HURDLE. TSU. “Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and legislative leaders worked to clear a final roadblock to consensus on New York’s $175 billion spending plan late Saturday night, as details of a potential compromise on publicly financed elections began to filter out of the negotiating room.”

OR: FIRST STEP. OBP. “The Senate Campaign Finance Committee approved a measure for the May 2020 primary ballot. It would undo state Supreme Court rulings that have struck down previous limits as an infringement of free-speech rights.”

PA: ROOM GONE. CL. “It happened without any warning: The ‘lobbyist room’ at the back of Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives chamber was closed and is now off limits to lobbyists.”

WA: ACOUNTABILITY SOUGHT. ST. “Let the people at least see who gives how much to whom so that they can judge for themselves if the giver is buying undue influence.”


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