Today’s political law links

NONPROFITS AND SUPER PACS. LA Times. “Campaign finance reform advocates said there has actually been little need for nonprofits to funnel money to super PACs because the tax-exempt groups have been able to engage in political activity with little oversight.”

MICHAEL ADAMS TO DINSMORE. The firm’s press release is here.

MUSIC AND CAMPAIGNS. The Times. “It seems that every campaign season the issue of politicians’ use of pop songs without permission crops up, often with partisan overtones.”

MATCHING FUNDS REQUEST. Story here. “Buddy Roemer has scored a ‘first’ in his long-shot bid for the Republican presidential nomination.”

FORMER MEMBERS LOBBYING. Story here. “When members of Congress hear from groups hoping to get a law passed or a regulation changed, they often look across the table at men and women they once worked with.”

PAUL TRIP PAYMENTS.  Roll Call.  “Rep. Ron Paul appears to have been paid twice for flights between Washington, D.C., and his Congressional district, receiving reimbursement from taxpayers and also from a network of political and nonprofit organizations he controlled, according to public records and documents obtained by Roll Call.”

NEW SUPER PACS.  Story here.  “In a sign that super PACs are the new normal, two highly unlikely groups established the vehicles known for unlimited corporate contributions last week: an Occupy Wall Street super PAC and another created to run ads opposing — super PACs.”

RAISE LA LIMITS? Story here. “The Los Angeles City Ethics Commission is scheduled to vote Thursday on a plan to lift the limits on campaign contributions for the first time in 27 years, increasing the size of donations city candidates can accept by more than double.”


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