Health care law? Individual mandate? No, just today’s political law links (6/28/12)

DECISION DAY.  Political law takes a back seat to health care today.  We’ll all be intently waiting for and then reading the Supreme Court’s opinions on the constitutionality of the health care law.  SCOTUSblog, as usual, will be the place to be on this big decision day.

POINT OF CONVENTIONS.  Politico.  “National conventions are becoming more of a pain than a party.”

TEXTING OBSTACLES.  Politico.  “But at the moment, the companies who want to run the donations by text message system — Red Blue T, ArmourMedia and m-Qube — are in drawn-out talks with major mobile phone carriers such as AT&T, Sprint and Verizon to figure out how it will all work and how much of a cut everyone will take.”

RNC SUES ON LIMITS.  Story here.  “The Republican National Committee filed a lawsuit last week challenging campaign contribution limits set by the federal government, continuing the party’s efforts to dismantle the laws restricting money in political campaigns.”

MORE DEREGULATION.  CNBC.  “The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold limitless political donations from corporations sets the stage for campaigns and outside groups to press boundaries even further.”

SUPERFAN’S NEW RIDE.  The Times.  “Mr. Romney himself presented Mr. Wilson, a 70-year-old Virginian, with a replacement vehicle during an event in Sterling, Va., on Wednesday, ensuring that Mr. Wilson can keep popping up at campaign stops in a truck festooned with dozens of giant “Romney for President” posters and stickers.”

CONTRAST ADS AND CAMPAIGN FINANCE.  Story here.  “The attack ads could be driven in part by laws that aim to keep elections clean by separating campaigns from interest groups, according to the spokesman for a Republican group that plans to spend $300 million this year.”

HIRING RELATIVES.  Story here.  “Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle on Wednesday criticized a political ally for hiring relatives, even as Assessor Joseph Berrios continued to defy an ethics panel’s recommendation that he remove them from his payroll.”

CARRY OVER IN KS.  Story here.  “Candidates who filed early for political office in Kansas and found themselves in new districts when a federal court recently laid down revised boundaries could breathe a collective sigh of relief Wednesday.”

WATER BOARD LOBBYIST ISSUE.  The Post. “A veteran lobbyist’s appointment to the D.C. Water board of directors has been delayed at least two weeks after a D.C. Council member threatened to object during a vote Tuesday.”

HAVE A GREAT DAY.  New posts will be intermittent  between now and Monday, July 9, 2012.

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